Christopher Stryker

Demystifying the magical world of DevOps

Note: This the introduction to a series of posts on building your own DevOps infrastructure.

So, everyone knows that source code control is mandatory, unit tests are great. And hey, that thing called continuous integration? Yeah, you should be doing that.

When done properly, the results are fantastic. But let’s be honest… how many of us actually have the infrastructure in place for all of this?

Here at Hiller, we already do a good job of SCC, but we’re embarking on a journey to implement a full DevOps solution. Now, there are already a variety of resource detailing how you can do most of this, but we have a twist, as we must have provisions to be ITAR compliant for many of our projects. As such, we can’t use GitHub Enterprise, the cloud version of GitLab, or many of the other solutions out there.

So, as a general outline of the plan:

As we go, I’ll generate blog posts on every step of the way. You can watch for posts with the “DIY DevOps” tag, or just keep an eye on this page, which I’ll edit and post links to new entries as I make them.

For reference, we’ll be hosting everything on-prem (at least initially). In my posts, I’ll try to make note regarding the differences between a cloud-based approach and what we’re doing (and how we may partially migrate to a cloud based approach down the road).

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